Watch for Your New and Improved Municipal Services Bill

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Skitterphoto / Pixabay

Delivering safe and reliable drinking water, treating wastewater, providing flood protection, maintaining a system of pipes, plants and pumps, and providing waste and recycling services for a city of 1.2 million is complex.

Reading your bill shouldn’t be.

You told us you wanted your bill to be simple and clear. We worked with you to make it easier to see what you pay for and how it is calculated.

What’s New?

Coming in 2019, the format of your bill will make it easier to see the municipal services you pay for, how your charges are calculated and where your money goes. Highlights of what you’ll see on your new and improved bill:

  • Clarifies the services are provided by The City of Calgary
  • Includes service descriptions with easy to reference icons to show what you pay for
  • Shows wastewater charge as percentage of water usage and why
  • Separates wastewater and stormwater services to reinforce they are separate services (formerly shown under one heading “wastewater and drainage”)
  • Identifies clearly if the water usage is based on actual meter read or an estimate
  • Uses an easier-to-read font

Every business, organization and home in Calgary depends on water, and waste and recycling services. Your water rates and service charges make it possible for The City to deliver high quality drinking water, treat our wastewater safely and protect the river – our source of drinking water. Your waste and recycling program charges pay for collecting and processing recycling, garbage, and food and yard waste. Together we make life better every day.

We encourage you to review your bill on a monthly basis. Be sure to check the message centre on the bill for timely information. For more information on rates and reading your bill, visit