Federation of Calgary Communities: Little Libraries


A message from the Federation of Calgary Communities


  • A ‘Little Library’ is small and free and whatever shape you’d like it to be. The idea is that the Little Library sits on your lawn or in a public space where neighbours can take a book or leave a book.


  • Neighbours get to know one another by gathering around the library
  • Encourages reading for adults and kids
  • Help build momentum for your community association’s programs and services
  • Engages the community by offering participation in little libraries
  • Encourage positive use of the community and its assets
  • Proactive community-based crime prevention



  • Find a home for your community’s Little Library. This can be on your property or in a public place, like a park or community association. If you choose a public place, ensure to get permission from the landowner or the City.
  • Choose a steward to take care of the Little Library. This can be one person or a couple people who will be in charge of making sure the Little Library is cleaned, stocked, and inviting for the public.
  • Build the Little Library or purchase one from www.littlefreelibraries.org. Get creative! Little Libraries can look like telephone booths, bird houses, mailboxes, etc.
  • Call Alberta One Call or go to their website www.albertaonecall.com to have someone ensure that the area for your Little Library is safe to dig.
  • Collect books from family, friends, or neighbours.
  • Assign the role of advertising to one to two individual(s). Consider newsletter articles, bulletin boards, or the community association website.


  • Stewards will be in charge of cleaning and stocking the Little Library. This will be their ongoing responsibility after the Little Library is installed. Be sure the stewards have a stockpile of books for restocking.

Key Consideration:

$34.95. To have your Little Library placed on a Calgary map for free, email [email protected].

  • Consider planning a block party for an inaugural celebration of your community’s Little Library.

Check out Love Where You Live: Host a Block Party! in the Building Safe Communities’ Virtual Resource Centre at www.calgarycommunities.com.

For more information on Little Libraries check out the Federation of Calgary Communities’ resource Little Libraries.