Snow Angels!


A message from the Federation of Calgary Communities

What is a Snow Angel?

Snow Angels keep an eye out for neighbours who may need a hand with removing snow from the sidewalk and driveways. The City of Calgary’s Snow Angel Program was the first of its kind and has been recreated in many other cities in Canada. As it gains popularity, so do the mass amounts of Snow Angels all over Canada. By shovelling someone’s sidewalk or driveway, Snow Angels are so much more than good neighbours, and they can save lives!

Benefits of Snow Angels

When Mother Nature gives us a day with heavy snowfall, Calgary paramedics have reported seeing a dramatic increase in heart-related calls. For older adults or those with physical disabilities, this risk is drastically increased. The combination of cold air and heavy lifting causes strain on the heart, which leads to cardiac distress. One way to reduce this risk for neighbours is by initiating a Snow Angel Program in your community!

Many people who are elderly or immobile love living in the same house they’ve made a home, and some are limited in their abilities to remove snow and fear the loss of their homes or having to leave the communities they love. By helping neighbours with snow removal, you can make them feel secure staying in their homes!

Having a Snow Angel Campaign is an excellent way of showing your community association cares! Social isolation can be a significant factor in having low quality of life. For some, daily interactions with their Snow Angels can provide a source of community inclusion and pride.