Calgary Wildlife Celebrates 25 Years of Saving Wild Lives

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In April 2018, a group of workers at a concrete-mixing plant were preparing to start up their machinery for the season only to realize there were two owls inside—and eggs on the conveyor belt.

Calgarians have an incredible compassion for our wild neighbours, and these workers were no different. Instead of starting up their machinery or trying to move the eggs, they waited patiently for the two small owlets to hatch and contacted the Calgary Wildlife Rehabilitation Society to find out what to do next. After a harrowing rescue, the two babies are growing up healthy and happy at the CWRS animal hospital, and will soon be released to join our other wild neighbours in Calgary.

Stories like this are part of our everyday work at CWRS. Each day, we see first hand how the Calgary community supports urban wildlife and how Calgarians go out of their way to make sure our diverse species are cared for.

Thanks to people like you, the Calgary Wildlife Rehabilitation Society is celebrating 25 years of service this year. That’s 25 years of saving wild lives; of managing crises; of inspiring awe and wonder in youth and adults alike through educational programming; of providing compassionate relief from suffering; of mentoring the next generation of front-line animal care workers. We have been supporting positive wildlife outcomes for all Calgarians—animals and humans alike—since 1993.

Most of the 50,000 patients who have passed through our doors since then are victims of their urban habitats and are commonly seen in our city, including species like Canada geese, white-tailed prairie hares, eastern grey squirrels, mallard ducks, robins, magpies, and crows. There are more than 400 species of wild animals that live and thrive in Calgary, and we have cared for many of them over the last 25 years.

We care for what we know. We are raising awareness of human-wildlife interactions by providing engaging outreach programming, through which our educational ambassadors have to date inspired more than 100,000 learners of all ages, and we respond to more than 10,000 calls on our hotline each year from concerned members of the public regarding wildlife-related issues.

And it’s not only our wild neighbours that benefit from responsible stewardship—human health and happiness are interlinked with flourishing ecosystems. For our 25-year anniversary, we want to thank you for your support and unwavering dedication to wild lives. Calgarians know that wildlife contributes to the diverse beauty and vibrant wealth of our city and that they deserve to be cared for in a way that preserves the dignity of their lives.

Thank you, Calgary, for 25 great years. Here’s to 25 more!

To find out more about how you can celebrate our anniversary with us, please visit: