Fish Creek Winter Programs and Events


Friends of Fish Creek 25th Anniversary Bricks

With the holidays just around the corner, now is the perfect time to dedicate a brick in Fish Creek for that person on your list who has everything! A dedication brick would make an amazing gift for anyone you know who enjoys visiting Fish Creek or as a memorial to a loved one. All funds raised through this program will help us to realize our vision of a sustainable Fish Creek Provincial Park that improves the lives of current and future generations. There are only 80 anniversary bricks available to be installed in front of the Friends’ office at the Cookhouse so get yours today. Bricks are only $250 each and you will receive a tax receipt.

Annual General Meeting

Save the date! The Friends of Fish Creek AGM in on Thursday, January 31, 2019

Registration at 6:30 pm, Meeting starts at 7:00 pm

Fish Creek Environmental Learning Centre, Shannon Terrace, Fish Creek Provincial Park

It is because of our members, volunteers and donors that the Friends have accomplished so much. Join us at the Annual General Meeting to meet our board and staff. Refreshments will be served. Only members who have paid their 2018 – 2019 Membership dues are eligible to vote.

To register please visit

Winter Birding Course

12-week Winter Birding Course begins January 7, 2019.

Learn about the variety of bird species in Fish Creek Provincial Park and other natural areas within Calgary through the Friends of Fish Creek Winter Birding Course. In the winter months, birds are much easier to see since the deciduous trees have shed their leaves, there are fewer species present and they often occur in flocks. “In fact, there may well be more individual birds within Calgary during the winter than in the summer months,” said lifelong naturalist, Gus Yaki, who, along with other experienced birding instructors, conducts these outings as a fundraiser for the Friends of Fish Creek.Registration Required and fees apply. For more information or to register visit

Jobber’s House Restoration Project

The Jobber’s House here at the Bow Valley Ranch, also known as the Bunkhouse, was built in 1918 as part of Pat Burns’ ranch upgrades and has remained empty since the late 1950s. This house has been part of the charm of Fish Creek Provincial Park for three generations and community members constantly tell us how much the building means to them. The Friends are proposing to take over, renovate, and repurpose the Jobber’s House to support our growth, further support our community, provide a facility to serve as a hub for less established non-profit groups, and ensure the survival of this piece of Calgary’s history. After some discussions earlier this year, and support from local MLAs Richard Gotfried and Graham Sucha, we are very happy to announce that the Alberta Real Estate Foundation has provided a grant to cover the full cost of the feasibility study and project plan. Their generous contribution of $44,000 will go a long way in getting this project off the ground.

The work will include bringing the building up to current code and accessibility requirements and using energy and water conserving technologies. The current idea is to convert the upstairs to one large versatile room to support many functions, while the downstairs will contain a smaller meeting space and possibly office space, and the basement will contain utilities, washroom and office space. We are considering adding a classroom to the rear of the building to increase its utility. Our sincere thanks to the AREF for supporting the Jobber’s House Renovation and the Friends look forward to sharing our progress on this exciting project. To learn more about AREF visit

For more info or to contribute and support this project please visit