August News from the Friends of Nose Hill


by Anne Burke

All areas in natural environment parks, including asphalt pathways, are on-leash unless in an off-leash area with a sign. City Parks is doing some restoration work on Nose Hill, a major natural environment park. The aim is to preserve the park’s native grassland communities by managing invasive species (weeds), reducing erosion and the overall footprint of “undesignated” trails. When enjoying the park, please keep on designated trails as much as possible, indicated by the trail markers. Keep dogs on leash when not in the multi-use zone (on the plateau or top of the hill). This will help to reduce wildlife encounters and protect your pets.

Calgary has one of the highest amounts of green space of any city in North America. An estimate is that there are more than 693 natural areas which are over 50% of the park space in Calgary. Natural parks are mainly native animals and plants (or “naturalization”). These parks play a role in protecting Calgary’s wildlife with habitat for local and migratory animals. Compared with ornamental parks, natural areas give priority to the protection of vegetation and wildlife over human use, when the two come into conflict.

The Natural Area Management Plan, one of the first in Canada, offers guidelines for managing natural parks in Calgary. Some techniques for improving natural parks are erosion control, weed control, and planting native vegetation. Other park management issues are animal control, wildlife encounters, encroachments (such as forts), and vandalism.

Our Natural Area Management Plan, completed in 1994, was developed to protect natural areas. It establishes overall policy for the protection, management, public use and enjoyment, purchase, and stewardship of Calgary’s nature. While year-round enjoyment and use will be encouraged, there must be sensitivity to environmental impact and safety. Where recreational use and the long-term survival of significant habitats conflict, protection of the resource will be first.