News from the Friends of Nose Hill – April, 2023


There is an annual global community science competition to document urban diversity. Public bioblitzes will be held across Calgary with local stewardship groups. The challenge engages citizen scientists in finding and documenting plants, animals, and other living organism in urban areas. The 2023 City Nature Challenge involves taking pictures between April 28 and May 1 and then identifying them. Results will be announced on May 8. This will be the fifth year for Calgary region participation and there are awards for the top cities. For more information, go to

Although the City introduced two new program, Green Leader and Water Steward, its decision to temporarily discontinue its Adopt-a-Park program was unpopular. Now you can join the Parks Environmental Education team on a Green Initiative project to restore habitat with tree and shrub planting, tree wiring, weed pulling, or painting projects. These group projects are seasonal (May to October) and typically require a 3-to-4-hour commitment. A screening policy is in place, which may include checks by police. Once accepted, volunteers receive orientation, training, and other support. For more information and to register, please call 3-1-1.