Holiday Greetings, Generosity, and Fighting for Calgarians

Ward  e

Dear Friends,

The most magical time of the year is upon us.

With the hustle and bustle of the holiday season in full gear, friends and families are busy making year-end lists and checking them twice. The fast approach of Christmas Day is a reminder for many of us to tidy up unfinished projects and look to a fresh start in 2020, while being mindful of our many blessings.

I am so proud of our city. Calgarians never cease to amaze me with their generosity. Even in this economic downtown, your kind-heartedness shines on as you break records in charitable donations and filling shelves at food banks.

As difficult times continue to plague our energy sector and small businesses are faced with the challenges to make it through these difficult times, I am inspired and committed each day to fight for them and to fight for all of you.  I remain confident that this is still the greatest place to live in the whole country. My pledge to you is to continue to be your voice in the year to come and to approach each day with the understanding that City Hall belongs to Calgarians and not the other way around.

Please do not hesitate to reach out to me if you feel there is something we can help you with or an idea you would care to share with us.

The future is bright, and I am excited for great things to come in the New Year.

Wishing you and your family a happy holiday season.

Merry Christmas,

Jeromy Farkas (Palliser resident and Ward 11 Councillor)