April 2023 Ward 1 Report – Councillor Sonya Sharp


Happy spring, Ward 1! Here’s the latest from the Ward 1 Office.

South Shaganappi Local Area Planning Project

The City will begin working with residents to create a Local Area Plan (LAP) for the South Shaganappi communities, including Varsity from Ward 1. LAPs guide how land could be used and redeveloped in the future and identify opportunities for community improvements and investment in the area. The project will include many avenues and opportunities for public engagement in the coming months and beyond. More details will be available later this month at engage.calgary.ca.

Parking Permit Changes

Beginning this spring, The City is introducing fees for residential parking permit areas. The fees for standard residential permits have been set on a cost-recovery basis in order to maintain the long-term sustainability of residential parking enforcement and encourage the use of off-street parking options. Standard residential permits will be $100 for the first vehicle and $150 for visitor vehicles and will be valid for two years. Fees will vary for additional vehicles and for multi-residential buildings. Visit calgary.ca/rpp to learn more.

Requesting Traffic Enforcement

Residents with concerns about ongoing traffic violations, including speeding or illegal turns, can submit a traffic service request online at calgarypolice.ca. Requestors may submit details like the times of day and locations where violations most often take place. A Traffic Section member will contact you directly regarding your request. We encourage any residents with concerns to make this report!

Keeping Strom Drains Clear This Spring

Storm drains (or catchbasins) are the main way stormwater gets into our underground pipes, or rather our stormwater management system. There are about 60,000 storm drains in Calgary. For more information and to view this map please visit calgary.ca/stormdrains. Please keep your storm drains free and clear of snow, leaves, and debris, and if necessary, create a channel to help water flow. If the storm drain remains submerged, take a photo, and submit it via the 311 App or a web request.

Stay in touch! Visit calgary.ca/ward1 to get the latest news from my office.

Ward 1 – Councillor Sonya Sharp proudly serves the following Communities: Bowness, Crestmont, Greenwood-Greenbriar, Rocky Ridge, Royal Oak, Royal Vista, Scenic Acres, Silver Springs, Tuscany, Valley Ridge, Varsity Acres