Happy Holidays from The Ward 13 Office!

Met these two lovely gentleman at the Olympic and Paralympic 2026 Bid Engagement Open House in October. So great hearing everyone’s thoughts and input on many different issues.

Happy Holidays from The Ward 13 Office!

With all that is going on in our City and our Ward, we want to take this time to send our love and warm wishes to you and your family this holiday season. Have a happy holiday and best wishes for a new year!

Safety Review of LRT Crossings

In light of the tragic passing of a 6-year-old girl at the Somerset-Bridlewood LRT Station in October, I, along with Councillor Shane Keating and Councillor Ray Jones, brought forward a Notice of Motion to have Administration conduct a safety review on all 65 ground-level C-Train stations across Calgary.

This report will include:

  • An inventory of crossings and protection measures;
  • Best practices in design from across the industry;
  • A history of incidents in Calgary;
  • How The City studies and audits crossings; and
  • Recommendations for Council on additional initiatives and improvements that could be made.

One possible improvement, as suggested by Councillor Keating, is to retrofit C-Train crossings with angled barriers and rapid flashing lights. This study will be brought back to the SPC on Transportation and Transit Committee by spring of 2019. Please let me know your thoughts.

Snow and Ice Clearing Service Update

For the 2019-2022 budget cycle, Council approved a funding increase for snow and ice removal on sidewalks and pathways. This translates to increased maintenance along Main Street corridors, and increased snow and ice clearing from sidewalks and pathways.

100 new pathways have been added to the Parks clearing schedule, making a total of 500km of cleared pathways throughout the City. 317km of previously Roads-cleared sidewalks have also been transferred to the Parks clearing schedule, meaning these sidewalks will now be cleared within 24 hours of snowfall, as opposed to 7 days under the Roads schedule.

To learn more about snow services and updates, please visit Calgary.ca/Snow or contact my office at [email protected].