2026 Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games Bid


The decision on whether to host the 2026 Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games is in the hands of Calgarians. A Vote of the Electors (Plebiscite) will be held Tuesday November 13, 2018 asking citizens whether they want to host the 2026 Winter Olympics. Council has agreed to abide by the outcome of the plebiscite, so it is important that everyone get out and vote. There are advance polls available, as well as special ballots.

For information about when and how to vote: http://www.Calgary.ca/vote2018

For information about the engagement process: http://www.engage.calgary.ca/2026games

For information about the draft hosting plan: http://www.calgary.ca/CSPS/Recreation/Pages/Calgary-2026-Olympic-bid/Hosting-plan-landing.aspx

Please mark the dates in your calendar and cast your ballot in November!