February 2025 Ward 4 Report – Councillor Sean Chu


Warmest greetings to all,

Each winter, some Calgarians experience frozen water pipes, service lines, or meters, leading to water outages. The City’s Frozen Pipes Prevention Program works with homes at higher risk due to factors like location, pipe depth, and freezing history.

Recently, frozen pipes have also affected lower-risk homes. Taking these steps can help prevent freezing:

• Maintain an indoor temperature of at least 15°C, even when away.

• Seal cold drafts in unheated areas like basements, crawl spaces, attics, garages, or under sinks.

• Repair windows, check doors, and insulate cold-prone areas.

• Insulate hot and cold-water pipes in cooler zones.

• Open interior doors and cabinets to let heat reach unprotected pipes.

• Disconnect and drain outdoor water lines, including hoses, pools, and decorative features.

• Ensure hot water tanks in maintenance rooms are adequately heated.

• Regularly run water to keep pipes moving.

Visit calgary.ca/frozenpipes for more tips and solutions if your pipes freeze.

Help Prevent Street Flooding

A Chinook can quickly melt snow, causing water to pool on streets if storm drains are clogged. With over 60,000 storm drains in Calgary, your help to prevent flooding is invaluable:

• Clear debris, snow, and ice from nearby storm drains.

• If safe, create channels to guide water toward the drain.

• Use the storm drain map at calgary.ca/stormdrains to locate covered drains.

If water pools and you suspect a frozen storm drain, contact 3-1-1:

• Submit a “Storm Drain/Catch Basin Concern” via the 311 app.

• Attach a photo to prioritize your request.

Our crews prioritize areas impacting safety and property.

Thank you for doing your part to keep our community safe and thriving.

Wishing you a safe and wonderful February!

Warm regards,

Councillor Sean Chu

Ward 4

Ward 4 – Councillor Sean Chu proudly serves the following Communities: Beddington Heights, Brentwood, Cambrian Heights, Charleswood, Collingwood, Dalhousie, Edgemont, Greenview, Greenview Industrial Park, Highland Park, Highwood, Huntington Hills, North Haven, North Haven Upper, Queens Park Village, Rosemont, Skyline West, Thorncliffe, Triwood