December – MLA Richard Gotfried’s Report

Calgary Fish Creek

It is hard to believe that 2017 is coming to a close. The year has been full of change, excitement, and hope for a better future. Despite many economic challenges that Calgary and Alberta have endured over the past two years, Albertans are resilient and want to keep pushing forward in the face of adversity. It is this “can do” attitude and spirit of self-reliance that makes me proud to call myself an Albertan. Legislative Session will be finishing early December and I am committed, as a member of the official opposition, to holding the government to account. I am honoured to have been appointed to the Economic Development, Trade and Jobs critic role, which aligns with my passion for the portfolio given a lifetime of international experience and time in Economic Development.

Government does not create jobs, but rather creates an environment which allows entrepreneurs and businesses to flourish. That is where we generate the wealth that allows us to provide infrastructure, government, and social services. While Alberta has led the country in economic growth over much of the past two decades, the last few years have been difficult. Times of constraint are often one of the best times to look for efficiencies within the system. We often hear of fear-mongering around “budget cuts” and accusations of the loss of front-line workers, but I believe that efficiencies, innovation, and a focus on productivity can go a long way in balancing our budgets without affecting services to Albertans. The bottom line may be, “what can we afford without burdening future generations with our debt”? If you have experience, both positive and negative, in current or previous government administered programs, please contact my office with your thoughts.

The gift of time and the giving of ourselves is the mantra of the season. It is a reminder that all of us can bless the lives of others through our kindness and generosity. I am a firm believer in respecting and celebrating diversity in its many forms. While Christmas is a Christian holiday, the tradition of giving and celebrating with family transcends all faiths. To celebrate this year, I will be attending and supporting many Children and Family Christmas events around the constituency, and look forward to sharing the spirit of the season with you all. In addition, we will have extended office hours and an Open House on December 19th from 5-7pm. Great food and conversation will be on order, so please feel free to drop in. Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukah and wishing a joyous Holiday Season to all of the many faiths and cultures represented in Calgary-Fish Creek!