November 2022 MLA Report – Calgary Fishcreek – Richard Gotfried

Calgary Fish Creek

It has been an eventful year and November always brings reflection and remembrance. Not just for Remembrance Day, but with hope and compassion for those facing unwelcomed inhumanity as the Russian war of aggression rages on in Ukraine. I know many Calgary-Fish Creek residents have opened their homes and hearts to individuals seeking shelter – and to all those stepping up I extend a huge thank you for your generosity and kindness. This is who we are as Calgarians, Albertans and Canadians.

2022 marks the 78th Anniversary of D-Day and the Battle of Normandy. Most of us have no living memory of the triumph of freedom, humanity and democracy over the scourge of hateful and dictatorial regimes. As many of you know, I am a passionate native Albertan raised as a good Irish Presbyterian, but also of proud Jewish heritage. Hence WW2 carries special significance to me given all known members of my father’s family who resided in Nazi-occupied Poland were victims of the unprecedented and horrific hatred of the Holocaust. It is incumbent upon each of us to keep the memory of selfless courage and sacrifice alive and learn from the past how otherwise good people can become complicit in hatred and inhumane acts through their silence and inaction.

Curriculum revision and development were important points of discussion through my office over the past year, and I would encourage Calgary-Fish Creek residents to contact my office with any outstanding concerns. Through various consultative processes a few amendments have been made, with the most notable feedback resulting in reconsideration of the Social Studies curriculum and timing of implementation. The changes and adjustments to curriculum were the direct result of feedback from outspoken, thoughtful and concerned Calgary-Fish Creek residents, for which we are grateful – thank you! And please note that Diploma exams will be weighted at 20% for the coming year. Alberta has a long legacy of excellence in Education, and that goal continues. I am hopeful this year will be one of growth, continued learning and restoration of many “pandemic-affected” activities. For my first Fall MLA Café, I will be hosting it November 7th from 5-7pm. It will be a drop-in format, with our usual open and frank discussion and featuring Calgary Catholic Trustee Mary Martin sharing her views on the importance of public Education.

Finally, it is with heartfelt gratitude for the honour of serving the people, communities and businesses of Calgary-Fish Creek that I share that I will not be seeking re-election. It has been my deepest privilege to serve as your MLA and I will continue in that capacity, with energy, commitment and passion, until the Election Writ is dropped in Spring 2023. There will be timely nominations for all parties in selecting qualified candidates, while I always welcome your calls, and feedback on how we may better serve you now and into the future.

Your comments and outreach always strengthen my ability to advocate on your behalf, so please feel free to connect with the office via phone and/or email at any time.

MLA – Calgary Fishcreek Richard Gotfried proudly serves the following Communities: Bonavista Downs, Deer Ridge, Deer Run, Diamond Cove, Lake Bonavista, Midnapore , Parkland, Queensland , Sundance