Co-Sponsoring Bill 12

Calgary Hawkwood

I was proud to be a co-sponsor of Bill 12, which allows the restriction of Alberta’s oil and gas exports. Bill 12 highlights our commitment to get a pipeline to tidewater built by whatever means necessary. Lack of market access for Alberta’s natural resource results in lost-revenue that could be paying for investments in education and healthcare; we are working to stop that loss of revenue and invest in Alberta. While there are positive signs of economic recovery, our focus remains on ensuring that all Albertans see the benefits of economic recovery. We are continuing to work hard on our objectives for this session including diversifying the economy by expanding value-added processing, ensuring Alberta has a reliable electricity grid that protects customers, protecting students by extending the post-secondary tuition freeze, and expanding the affordable daycare program.

If you have any questions or concerns, don’t hesitate to email at [email protected] or call 403-216-5444.