A Remembrance Day Reflection

Calgary Klein

Hello Calgary Klein,

As we approach Remembrance Day, I wanted to dedicate this space in honor of our veterans, past, present and future. The eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month is a significant time in our history, marking the end of World War I. It is because of this we will never forget.

Remembrance Day is a somber, but vital reminder of the many lives lost, so that we can live in a country that is both democratic and free. It is a day on which we pay tribute to those who put their lives on the line so that we can continue to benefit from their many sacrifices.

Calgary-Klein is unique in its diverse ethnicity, embracing many nationalities. Many of our new constituents have fled war zones in search of a better life for their families. I am proud that they too can call Alberta home. During the recent Cultural Day Celebration that I attended; the atmosphere was indicative of people who have found their home in Canada.

It is my privilege to take part in and represent the Province as your MLA at the Chapelhow Legion’s Remembrance Day ceremony located at 606 38 Ave NE. There will be many services taking place across the city. This November 11th I want to encourage you to take the time to remember. Stop for a moment and pay tribute to those who have fallen.

Lest we forget.

Jeremy Nixon, MLA Calgary-Klein