PDD Review and Calgary Housing Economic Challenges

Calgary Klein


This month I would like to provide an update on two important issues.

Provincial review of disability program in Alberta

The Alberta Government is set to review the Persons with Developmental Disabilities (PDD) program to explore how to improve services for Albertans with developmental disabilities.

Since 2015, significant improvements have been made to the PDD program. These include a $55 million investment to provide supports for an additional 800 PDD clients, ending the Supports Intensity Scale (SIS) and increasing client and staff safety.

Our government is committed to listening to and working with the community on all issues that matter to them to make life better for Albertans with disabilities. Minister Sabir will work closely and collaboratively with individuals, families, staff and advocates in shaping and conducting this review.

Calgary Housing Company maintenance challenges

We have heard the Calgary Housing Company’s concerns about maintenance challenges and this is why our government recently confirmed almost $4.5 million in funding to the Calgary Housing Company to re-open closed suites.

The former government left a $1 billion maintenance deficit in affordable housing that we are doing our best to address in challenging economic times. I believe affordable housing should be a top priority for all levels of government, and I am proud Minister Sigurdson is committed to ensuring Calgarians who depend on affordable housing receive the supports they need.

As always, our office is happy to hear from you, and may be reached at [email protected] or 403-216-5430.