Carbon Tax Repeal, Job Creation Tax Cut, and the MacKinnon Panel

Calgary Lougheed Jason Kenny

2019 was an eventful year.

Albertans elected our government with a strong mandate to deliver on the promises we made during the Spring election. Well, that’s exactly what we’ve done.

Our government has already kept 38% of the commitments made in our platform despite being only 12% through our mandate as a government. When we say we’re going to do something, we get it done.

Promises made. Promises kept.

We scrapped the carbon tax with our first bill, The Carbon Tax Repeal Act.

Our Job Creation Tax Cut will give Alberta the lowest taxes in Canada, and economists estimate that it will create 55,000 jobs that will get our province working again.

We have created the Canadian Energy Centre which will stand up and defend the responsible energy industry that creates prosperity right here at home, and all across Canada.

We’ve created the Indigenous Opportunities Corporation to empower our First Nations communities to become partners in that prosperity, and a new litigation fund to ensure that those pro-resource First Nations are no longer ignored in the courts and media.

We’ve heard from the MacKinnon Panel that our spending is out of control, and we brought in a budget that will get our province back on track, and back to balance by the year 2022-2023. We are ending the irresponsible mortgage on our future that previous governments imposed, to secure high-quality public services that we can rely on for generations to come.

And, we’ve done so much more.

So, as we look forward to 2020, we can look forward to a new year that will see this government continue to implement the platform that was endorsed by 1,040,004 Albertans just a few short months ago. We will work relentlessly to get Alberta back to work and return our province to its place as the engine of prosperity in Canada. And we will fight for an Alberta that always remains true to its roots, an Alberta that is Strong and Free.

Happy New Year! I hope you’re as excited for 2020 as I am!