Preparing for Session and Getting Folks Back to Work

Calgary Lougheed Jason Kenny

Report to Constituents

In addition to serving Leader of the Official Opposition, I am proud to represent the good people of Calgary-Lougheed in Alberta’s Legislature. Here are some recent highlights:

Preparing for Session

I had a great time this summer, attending a number of local events. As many of you know, this is one of my favourite parts of the job. It’s also one of the most important, because it affords me the opportunity to connect with folks like you, one-on-one, and listen to your thoughts and your concerns.

Gathering local input is one of my top priorities, because it allows me to speak with confidence when representing our constituency inside and outside the Legislature. There is no question that grassroots democracy takes time. It also takes a firm commitment to listening to all constituents, regardless of political affiliation. However, in my experience, it is well worth the effort because no single person, party, expert, or interest group has a monopoly on good ideas.

As summer comes to an end, our UCP team is now preparing for the next session at the Legislature, slated to begin October 29th. Our caucus team met Sept. 13th-15th to begin planning for session. With a provincial election coming soon, I think we can expect some passionate debate in the weeks ahead, as we present our vision for the province. My hope is that all parties will keep the focus on building a stronger province, and avoid the unnecessary mudslinging that distracts from the business of government.

Getting Folks Back to Work

I have been clear that my top priority is getting Alberta’s economy back on track, and getting Albertans back to work in full-time, mortgage-paying jobs. Over the course of the recent recession, Alberta lost tens of thousands of full-time, private sector jobs. And, unlike previous recessions, this time the recovery has been slower and more painful for most regions of the province.

One of the most common questions I get from people is: What should we do about it? My view is that government’s role is to help create a competitive economy, where people and businesses are free to do what they do best. For employers across Alberta, there are too many barriers to growth, be it taxes, rising Employment Insurance and CPP contributions, a carbon tax that makes it more expensive to keep the lights on, or bureaucratic red tape. The government needs to understand that when you’re stuck in a hole the first thing you should do is stop digging.

Government also needs to start taking a leadership role in encouraging free trade between provinces, opening new markets internationally, and bringing investment back to Alberta. The Trans Mountain pipeline fiasco is just one example. The paper approval given by the Trudeau Liberals, and celebrated extensively by the Alberta NDP, was recently quashed in a court ruling. A complete lack of leadership by the federal Liberal government has left taxpayers on the hook for this project, which has now been delayed indefinitely. Meanwhile, the NDP’s so-called “social license” scheme lies in tatters, unable to even convince the BC NDP government and federal NDP colleagues to get on board with the much-needed pipeline. Albertans deserve better.


If you have questions, concerns, or just want to share your thoughts with me, please feel free to reach out to my Constituency Office.

MLA Jason Kenney, Calgary Lougheed

Official Opposition Leader