Education for Calgary-Northern Hills

Calgary Northern Hills

Vivo’s expansion and a public high school were top of mind in Calgary Northern Hills long before I was elected to represent you. Now, thanks to the hard work of many—and the provincial government’s provision of crucial funding in Budget 2018—these goals are becoming reality!

Nearly one-third of Calgary Northern Hills residents are children. Representing our need for schools has always been a top priority of mine. Buffalo Rubbing Stone School is now open, with a beautiful playground, and a second new elementary school in Coventry is on the way.

Following these achievements, we focused on our need for a public high school. Together we’ve watched North Calgary High climb from 27th to 2nd place on CBE’s School Capital Plan 2019-2022, a tribute to all who’ve worked together to advocate for our youth.

But the news gets better. Following Budget 2018, our government announced funding for North Calgary High’s design phase, making the project “shovel ready” for future funding cycles. We will continue to move this school forward with the positive energy that comes from knowing our children are valued and their future bright.

Vivo’s expansion is also becoming reality! As our community’s hub, Vivo has innovatively used every inch of space to bring our culturally diverse population together. Vivo for Healthier Generations passionately promotes long-term health and wellbeing. Soon there will be more community space in which to do that.

Jobs, pipelines, and an economic recovery built to last—that’s our government’s focus. Budget 2018 extends the benefits of economic recovery to all Albertans by protecting public services.

Thank you to all who have worked so hard for Vivo’s expansion and for a North Calgary High. Wonderful things happen when people work together, and their government supports them by funding the public services they need.