September 2023 MP Report – Calgary Midnapore – Stephanie Kusie

Calgary Midnapore e

Dear constituents,

My team and I have been busy over the past few months engaging with constituents and groups at various community events and meetings here in Calgary Midnapore. It was a pleasure to meet with many new and familiar faces over the summer months.

I hope all constituents enjoyed their summer and are ready to get back to school and other activities this fall.

As summer comes to a close, I’d like to extend a special “thank you” to all community associations here in Calgary Midnapore. These community associations help provide the fabric of our community and deserve to be recognized for the work they do. Every summer, I have the privilege to meet and engage with many community associations at local events, and this year was no exception. As you begin planning for the winter months and year ahead, please know how appreciated your work is and the critical role it plays in Calgary Midnapore.

Later this month, I will be returning to Ottawa once again to stand up for the interests of Calgary Midnapore in Parliament. Our common-sense conservative team, led by Pierre Poilievre, has a plan to bring home lower prices, safer streets, powerful paycheques, freedom for Canadians, and homes workers can afford. We will be fighting every day in Parliament to ensure the common voice of the common people is heard in Ottawa’s decision making.

To stay up to date on my ongoing work in Ottawa on your behalf, please sign up for my monthly e-newsletter. You can do so online at Another way to keep engaged is through my social media – @StephanieKusiePolitican (Facebook), @StephanieKusie (Twitter and Instagram), @StephanieKusieMP (YouTube).

Have a wonderful September!


Stephanie Kusie

MP Calgary Midnapore

MP – Calgary Midnapore Stephanie Kusie proudly serves the following Communities: , Acadia, Belmont, Bonavista Downs, Chaparral, Deer Ridge, Deer Run, Diamond Cove, East Fairview Industrial, Fairview, Fairview Industrial, Glendeer Business Park, Lake Bonavista, Legacy, Maple Ridge, Midnapore , Millrise, Parkland, Pine Creek, Queensland , Shawnessy, Silverado, Somerset, Sundance, Walden, Willow Park, Wolf Willow