Saddle Ridge

Saddle Ridge News

Saddleridge Real Estate Statistics Update

Saddleridge Real Estate Statistics Update In February 2025, the north east Calgary community...
Saddle Ridge Community Classifieds Calgary

Saddleridge Business Classifieds

CALGARY MORTGAGE BROKER SERVICING SADDLERIDGE Why settle for less? Get personalized mortgage solutions in Saddleridge. As your Saddleridge mortgage broker, we offer a range...

Saddleridge Crime Statistics Update

Saddleridge Crime Activity was Down in November 2024 Saddleridge Calgary experienced 17 crimes in November 2024, in comparison to 21 crimes the previous month, and...

Property Assessment Notices Are Out!

The 2025 Property Assessment notices are out. When you receive your notice, check the property details and review your property value. Your property assessment...

Landlord and Tenant Law – Signing and Moving In

by Charmaine Coutinho As a volunteer lawyer with Calgary Legal Guidance, I advise clients who would otherwise be unable to access legal services to empower...

Navigating Your Mortgage Renewal with Confidence

by Arefa Kachwala, CFA As your mortgage renewal date approaches, it’s a perfect time to reassess your financial situation and explore options to enhance your...

Call for Volunteers: Help Plan Calgary’s Future for Older Adults!

If you have first-hand insight on living as an older adult or as a caregiver to an older adult, your experience and ideas are...

Be Water-Wise and Create a Yardsmart Yard

As Calgary continues to experience drought conditions, we can all do our part in our yards by using water wisely. The City has a...

Property Tax is Due Friday, June 28, Pay or Join TIPP...

Your property tax must be paid by Friday, June 28 to avoid late payment penalties. The City’s Tax Instalment Payment Plan (TIPP) is the...

Saddle Ridge Real Estate

Profiled above are the last twelve month real estate statistics for the Saddle Ridge community in Calgary; including number of properties listed, number of properties sold, median asking prices, and median sold prices. To view current Saddle Ridge Real Estate listings for sale, click here.

Saddle Ridge Community Association

Box 95081
Calgary, Alberta
T3J 5M1,
[email protected]

Saddle Ridge Community Association(SRCA) is a non-profit organization since 1968. The SRCA is the only voice of the Saddle Ridge Community to the Government, Developers, Calgary Parks, and the City of Calgary. The amount of effort already put in by the Board on the land use, soccer program and recycling over the last few years is significant! Community Spirit is another big reason to have our Community Association. Over the past few years the SRCA has held numerous successful community events including the Pond Parties, Casino, Recycling and the Community Clean-ups to name a few. All of this requires the effort and dedication of the SRCA volunteers as well as funding from grants, donations, and your membership fees.

Saddle Ridge Community Demographics

In the City of Calgary’s 2012 municipal census, Saddle Ridge had a population of 14,372 living in 3,668 dwellings, a 7.3% increase from its 2011 population of 13,388. With a land area of 5.5 km2 (2.1 sq mi), it had a population density of 2,613/km2 (6,770/sq mi) in 2012. Residents in this community had a median household income of $71,101 in 2005, and there were 12.9% low income residents living in the neighbourhood. As of 2006, 47.0% of the residents were immigrants. A proportion of 1.3% of the buildings were apartments and 3.5% of the housing was used for renting For more detailed info visit the City of Calgary community profiles site.

Saddle Ridge Community Map

Google Map of Saddle_Ridge, Calgary, AB