Beddington Heights
Beddington Heights News
Beddington Heights Business Classifieds
The March 2025 Beddington Banner Community Newsletter Magazine
Beddington Heights Real Estate Statistics Update
March 2025 Ward 4 Report – Councillor Sean Chu
Beddington Heights Crime Statistics Update
The February 2025 Beddington Banner Community Newsletter Magazine
February 2025 Ward 4 Report – Councillor Sean Chu
The January 2025 Beddington Banner Community Newsletter Magazine
January 2025 Ward 4 Report – Councillor Sean Chu
Beddington Heights Real Estate
Profiled above are the last twelve month real estate statistics for the Beddington Heights community in Calgary; including number of properties listed, number of properties sold, median asking prices, and median sold prices. To view current Beddington Heights Real Estate listings for sale, click here.
Beddington: Bounties of Nature
The community of Beddington is committed to beautifying the neighbourhood and highlighting the bounties of nature available in their own backyards. The community association created the Reimagine Beddington Committee to help plan the future of the playgrounds, parks, and pathways in the community; starting unique initiatives such as the Butterflyway focused on attracting pollinators.
Inside Beddington you will find lots of natural spaces to enjoy, not the least of which are their multiple off-leash dog parks. Stepping just outside the bounds of the community, you can enjoy the serenity and natural beauty of Nose Creek Park, and Beddington is just minutes away from the Calgary International Airport and Deerfoot Trail, making travel both inside and outside the city easy and accessible.
Beddington Heights Community Newsletter
Beddington residents are actively engaged in their community and keeping them informed is our top-priority. Your Beddington Banner is the official community newsletter, and covers community news and is published monthly to keep content current and relevant. Delivered to every household, apartment, and business, every resident is acquainted with the community’s most important information.
Community Hall and Programs
375 Bermuda Dr. N.W.
Calgary, Alberta
T3K 2J5,
[email protected]
The community of Beddington was established in 1979. Now, in 2023, it boasts a community hall featuring a commercial kitchen, a theatre, and four separate studios. The community association offers things like childcare, a youth justice program, bingo, and many options for sport, fitness, and dance classes. To access these programs, Beddington residents pay a nominal price of $20, and uniquely, the association offers a “Friends of Beddington” option for residents of other communities that want to partake in all the goodness of Beddington!
The community hall is operated by CCTL (Calgary Community Theatre Ltd.) and is the home of StoryBook Theatre and Front Row Centre Players, two of the longest running community theatre companies in Calgary. This private, non-profit runs this centre as a hub for both community association activities and programs, and great local theatre productions.
Beddington Heights Community Demographics
Beddington has a population of 11,295 in private households as of 2021.
According to the 2021 Census of Canada, 80% of private households in Beddington spend less than 30% of their total income on their home. The median household income before taxes in 2020 was $90,000. 72% of households in the community are owner households and 28% are renter households.
33% of the population in private households are immigrants, mostly from Asia. Additionally, 610 residents in Beddington belong to an indigenous group, mainly the Metis and First Nations indigenous groups.
Beddington’s official community profile can be found at the City of Calgary community profiles site.