November Report from Sunnyside School


by April M. (Grade 3) & Finley D. (Grade 4)

This is the Sunnyside School monthly report. Here is what we did in order. We had the Terry Fox run at our school September 19. We also raised more than $1500! On Sept 21, we had the Fall Fair. We had a bake sale, hosted some local entrepreneurs, made a pom-pom reading rug, and played games on the field. Thank you to Sunnyside Natural Market for donating the apples, thank you to Rob for donating carrots, thank you to Calgary Reads for helping with our book exchange, thank you to the YMCA for coming, and thanks to the Family Cheesed food truck for coming! We were lucky it was such a nice day compared to how much it was snowing when we wrote this in late September. The Grade 6 class visited Camp Chief Hector and enjoyed a week in nature. We had an assembly for Orange Shirt Day to remind us that all kids matter. Our entire school enjoyed swimming lessons at the YMCA Eau Claire pool, it is great that we could walk there from our school.