A June Message from the Nitanisak District Guides


Girl Guides during the Pandemic

Although Girl Guides has been “paused” in terms of in-person unit meetings since mid-March, there are still lots of activities going on.

  • Virtual meetings – some units are still meeting virtually. They play games like indoor scavenger hunts, Kahoot, charades, Bingo, or connect with role models such as female Olympic athletes or astronauts.
  • Virtual Camp-Out – April 30 was virtual camp-out day – a Scout group in the UK started an initiative in April for groups to “camp” at home, which culminated in a world record attempt to have over 60000 Scouts/Guides from around the world camp together on April 30. Kids could sleep in tents in their back yards, and/or in their sleeping bag in their basement/living room, and participate in virtual camping activities
  • Guiding@Home – Girl Guides can work on program using the (relatively) new online platform.
  • Virtual campfires – Girl Guides at different levels –both Calgary Area and Girl Guides national level- have been holding virtual campfires, singing classic campfire songs together
  • Discovery Badges – Girl Guides can also work on Discovery badges, where Brownies (ages 7 to 8) and Girl Guides (ages 9 to 12) can work on at-home badges such as Planet Protector, Experimenter or Maker, to name a few
  • Girl Guide cookies are being sold at stores such as London Drugs, Safeway/Sobeys. You can even order Girl Guide cookies online through the London Drugs website! Many, many thanks to these companies for stepping up when we couldn’t sell Girl Guide cookies this spring door to door or at cookie stands

Online registration is also going ahead for fall 2020 – public registration opens June 15, 2020. Visit www.girlguides.ca for more information.