A November Message from the Calgary Girls Charter School

Categories Schools

Leading Learning – CGCS’ New Principal

“Empowered women empower women” and that could not be more true than at the Calgary Girls Charter School (CGCS) this year. The new administrative team, headed by Principal Dani Sever, provides an inspirational model of leadership for the girls and young women of CGCS. With a commitment to girls’ education and empowerment, Dani, along with vice principals, Jenelee Jones and Marlene Vazquez, is leading learning at CGCS.

As the principal new to the school this year, Dani is a role model for CGCS girls and young women. After twelve years in administration at Westmount Charter School, Dani joined CGCS in the fall. Her background in gifted and talented education is a perfect complement to the CGCS world. In addition to her graduate work in Leadership and Curriculum with a focus on gender and leadership, Dani’s background in science and mathematics brings valuable expertise and experience to the learning community. As a proud mother of three, Dani blends her time at school with time on the go with her busy children and her husband Dave. In her ‘previous life’ Dani was also an accomplished athlete in swimming, running, and basketball.

As it is already a school of academic excellence and leadership development, Dani is taking the reins as CGCS continues to intentionally design ways to expand and enhance the valuable learning for its girls. About her new position, Dani stated, “I am committed to making programming decisions in order to create an environment where girls feel comfortable taking risks. I feel strongly about providing the modelling and strategies that allow for girls to find their voice and advocate for their personal and academic needs through an environment where they feel supported, nurtured and encouraged to do so.” The excitement and energy to start the year has morphed into a laser-like focus on learning and leadership experiences. The members of the learning community are excited to learn and work with Ms. Sever and her administrative team this year.

Having opened in 2003, focusing on creating generations of confident young women, CGCS is proudly providing rich and engaging learning experiences for its students.