Auburn Bay Notes for May


Spring has arrived and we are heading towards summer at a very quick pace, we are so happy for the beautiful weather we have. It has made it easy to plan for the community garden project.

Thank you to everyone who attended our AGM in April, the event went well and we welcome Tiffany W. as our new Treasurer, Leanna M. as our new Secretary, and Terri B., who will be taking over the Trico Board position from Larissa B. We look forward to working with these ladies into the future and the new ideas and experiences they bring to these valuable roles.

For any upcoming events, please make sure to refer to our website or social media for specific updates or call 403-744-5301, ext. 1. We are still in the planning stages of the Auburn Bay Parks and Greenspaces clean up planned for June 5, 2021. There has been some confusion around the City Services Clean Up that we are partnering with Cranston for June 12. Currently, they are still awaiting to confirm the location: either Century Hall or the LDS church.

We have had a large number of residents step forward to help with the community garden. We are just working on the final logistics to it, and plan on having everything in place and ready for May long weekend plantings. We have added another page/tab to our website for updates, contacts, and a draft of the LRT site map for the project, so please make sure to check it out. New things will be added there each week.

Part of the Gardens project includes a couple of fundraising efforts: the purchase of rain barrels, and freshly grown hydroponic vegetables and herbs. Details on both efforts, and the websites you order from, will be posted on our website under “gardens”.

Do you want to get involved in the community? Not sure how? Please remember that volunteering is the price you are willing to pay for the community you want to live in. Does your community have the Parade of Lights (Making Spirits Bright), Auburn Bay and Community Clean Up, Stampede Breakfast, Free Family Games Day, Park n’Play/Stay n’ Play programs, or community gardens? Then we do need more people to step forward and help the CA, continue to be your voice with the city and Alberta Government.

As mentioned before the City of Calgary tracks all 311 requests, please see the top five for March listed below:

The Good Food Box program offered by Community Kitchen continues to grow, and they have now added a date for the end of June to the program. It is a mixed box of seasonal fruits and vegetables that is delivered to the community. Please see the order form post on our website for the order and delivery dates, as well as some photos of items from a past order.

I would like to take this time to personally thank all of the residents from Auburn Bay who generously donated items to help our daughter set up her first home. We have such an amazing community who are willing to step up and give items to her, which will remind her of how much she is cared for. Thank you.

With the continuation of the pandemic and closures, I have unfortunately heard of too many families being affected. Please know that there are people out there who care and are just a phone call away. 211 has a list of all available provincial and city programs that can help in a variety of ways.

Auburn Bay has a huge group of social media pages, so please make sure to check them out for any interests you might have, from Seniors to Gardeners to Good Food Box. We have been asking for feedback on various community projects. Please remember we need your input to help us understand what concerns/issues you feel we need to work on.

Our next online meeting will be on May 5, followed by June 2. These meetings are open to anyone and we look forward to having you there for your input for the community.

P.S. Our garage sale will be happening on May 15!

Carla Obuck

Sports and Events Director, Auburn Bay Community Association (ABCA)