Renfrew President’s Message – December


Welcome, December! I always find this month to be a whirlwind of activity with parties, shopping and baking. But hopefully, everyone also takes the time to reconnect with family and friends and themselves. I plan to spend at least a couple of evenings with the fireplace channel on the TV, drinking a cup of hot chocolate and just relaxing. Maybe I’ll work a bit on whatever project I started at the Makers Mingle in November and can finish at the event on December 9. It’s a great event to carve out the space and time to focus on a project, but also get to chat with my neighbours.

The Board is pleased to welcome Maureen McNamee as the Director of Communications. She not only joins the Board of Directors but has a team already up and running. Tom continues in his role as newsletter editor and Jennifer is coordinating our social media accounts. We look forward to the direction Maureen and her team will take with communications for the RCA!

We are still actively searching for a Treasurer. This is an important role within the RCA. But you wouldn’t be doing it alone! There is a team already in place, including a bookkeeper and active Finance Committee (thank you, David, Samantha and Brad!). Please feel free to speak to or email any Board Director or me, your current President, at [email protected] if you are interested in this challenging, but rewarding role!

Notice of Board Meetings: Following the AGM in November, the Board is actively planning the direction of the RCA for the next year! But we do take some time off in December as there is no Board meeting this month. We’ll be back Tuesday, January 29 at 7 pm at the Hall. Members are welcome to attend.

The RCA’s Casino Fundraiser dates have been set for January 7 & 8, 2019. This is the RCA’s biggest fundraiser and will provide us with the gaming funds we need to operate and function for another year. This event requires some dedicated volunteers and we’re counting on you. Please sign up for a shift or two at or shoot Mary Grace a quick email at [email protected]. We still need about 10 volunteers over the 2 days and could really use your help!

 Upcoming Events

Dec 2   Hot Chocolate with Santa

Dec 7   Family Christmas Karaoke Night

Dec 9   Makers Mingle

Dec 14 Adult Pub Night

Jan 7 & 8 Casino Fundraiser

Jan 25  Jelly Bean Dance

Jan 29  Board Meeting