Renfrew’s August President’s Message


Well y’all, the Annual Renfrew Stampede Day has come and gone. Phew! Your RCA Board tries to take a bit of a break over the summer; however, that’s not happening this year. There are some much needed renovations taking place at the Hall, including moving Tiny Tots from the trailer, to their new home in the West End! We welcome Roots & Wings to the RCA Hall family who will be moving into the trailer this September.

We continue our quest to highlight the Board positions in advance of the November Annual General Meeting, and we’re almost there! The Director of Information Technology provides IT support and advice to the Board, makes suggestions to resolve issues and improve existing facilities/procedures, then assists in procurement, installation and training, provides advice on most suitable IT hardware and software choices to meet the needs of the Association, supports the procurement, installation and training of new/upgraded hardware and software, assists users to troubleshoot IT problems, monitors internet and telephone usage and performance, assists the Director of Social Room in preparing financial reports and inventory control reports, and maintains a central database of members, volunteers, self-designated interested parties and others as identified. They also have the powers and duties that all Board Directors have, including, among others, promoting the objectives of and membership in the Association. maintaining and protecting assets and property, making policies and procedures, approving an annual budget, paying all expenses and receiving all revenues, authorizing employees, and ensuring compliance with the Bylaws and any legislation [see Section 6.2 of the Bylaws for a complete list].

The Director of Communications manages all aspects of the production and distribution of the community newsletter, supervises the editor (if applicable), manages all content posted or distributed through all communication tools, such as social media, bulletins, emails to members, or news releases (if applicable), manages appropriate advertising for the Association, assists a Program Director and others in promoting events and initiatives, chairs a communications committee, drafts, edits and maintains a communications plan for the Association, assists the Secretary with providing notice of meetings and the Annual General Meeting, and assists the Director of IT in maintaining a database of self-designated interested parties.

Our current Past President, Lynne Engelman, is chairing the Nominations Committee, and is currently in the throes of searching for community-minded individuals who are interested in volunteering and filling a position on the Board. Interested? Please reach out to Lynne at [email protected] to discuss your interests, and how you can be an integral part of the Renfrew Community Association!

Make sure to follow the Renfrew Community Association on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram @renfrewca for the most up-to-date information!

Notice of Board Meeting: Next Board meeting is Tuesday, August 27 at 7 pm at the Hall.