Renfrew’s December President’s Message


Thank you! We want to take this opportunity to thank the outgoing 2018/2019 Board of Directors for all they have done this past year for the Renfrew Community Association. We started in May 2018 with Mikki (President), David (VP External), Ian (Secretary), Lynne (Past President), Nathan (Planning), Dennis (IT), Corianne (Hall Rentals), Lisa (Community Health & Wellness), Michael (Memberships), Michelle (Social Room) and Mary Grace (Events & Volunteers). Through the year we added Ryan (VP Operations) and Maureen (Communications). I want to thank everyone returning for the next year, as well as say congratulations to the new Board members!

The Board also works with a wonderful array of volunteers from our hardworking bartenders; Tiny Tots chairs and leaders; Jelly Bean, Stampede and RenBREW Fest volunteers; planning, events and finance committee members; ice rink crew; and that is only the tip of the iceberg! It would be difficult to name every event or person who helps us out throughout the year which is a great problem to have! Even just a few hours a month or helping with an event, makes a world of difference. The more people willing to lend their expertise or a helping hand, the more we can accomplish together.

If you have some time and interest in giving back to the community, please do not hesitate to contact [email protected] or email any director to express your interest.

As always, make sure to keep an eye on the website, Facebook and Twitter for the latest information on what’s going on at the Hall and in our community. Upcoming events in December:

Adult Pub Night: December 13

Christmas Carolling: December 13, 6:00 to 8:00 pm

Hot Chocolate with Santa: December 8, 2:00 to 4:00 pm

Makers Mingle: December 19, 6:30 to 9:30 pm