Renfrew’s message from the Board for November

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We’re looking forward to seeing you at the Renfrew Community Association’s Annual General Meeting on Friday, November 20 at 7:00 pm at the community hall. We’ll be providing an update on RCA activities, and welcoming some new faces to the board. The AGM is required to be held in person, and we will carefully follow all protocols recommended by Alberta Health Services and our municipal and provincial governments to prevent the spread of COVID-19, including mandatory masks, physical distancing, and registration and hand sanitizing at entry. You need to have held a current membership for at least 30 days in order to vote at the AGM and/or to join the board. We still have some positions available, so if you’re interested in learning more about what’s involved, please contact Mikki at [email protected] or ask any other board member.

Why get involved?

The RCA board provides and promotes programs, services, and activities aimed at connecting neighbours and fostering civic involvement in our community. You will be part of a dedicated group of people who are helping shape the future of our community; fresh ideas and energy help us to keep moving forward.

Santa is coming to Renfrew!

This year we’re hosting a special Holiday Drive Thru and Santa Claus will be there to greet everyone and have a quick visit with your kids from the safety of your car. In the spirit of giving, his elves will be collecting holiday cards and children’s drawings for local seniors, and they’ll also be handing out candy canes and hot chocolate kits for the kids to take home. See the poster in this issue, and be sure to join the fun on Saturday, December 6 from 3:00 pm to 5:00 pm in the community association parking lot (811 Radford Road NE).

We’ve had some questions recently about proposed new developments in Renfrew.

The city is currently revising the North Hill Communities Local Area Plan based on feedback received from stakeholders over the last several months. The plan does have a significant impact on our community, including the density and height of residential buildings allowed on some neighbourhood streets. You can learn more about the plan at and see where new developments are proposed at

Did you know that the local Renfrew Baptist Church is a Good Food Box depot?

The Good Food Box is a program of the Community Kitchen Program of Calgary that enables people to purchase fresh fruits and vegetables at a very low cost. For more information and to fill out an order form, go to

In this issue, you’ll find information about our neighbourhood and upcoming events (including the monthly virtual Makers Mingle), and a Q&A with community member Jeremy Klaszus, founder of The Sprawl. For the most up-to-date information on community news and special events, subscribe to our newsletter at and follow us @RenfrewCA on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.