Renfrew’s November President’s Message


The RCA Annual General Meeting will be taking place on Friday, November 22, 2019, at 7:00 pm at the Hall. The Pub will be open, so you can mingle with your neighbours and the Board after the meeting. For those of you that didn’t purchase a membership before October 22, you can still attend, you are just not eligible to vote. But you don’t want to miss out on the update of all things RCA related over the past year, as well as meeting who will be representing you on the Board for the upcoming year!

There will of course be elections at the AGM (all positions are up for election except Treasurer, although that position remains vacant and can be filled by Board appointment). Several current Directors are intending on continuing in their current roles, but many are not. Do you want to become more involved with the Community Association, but you’re not sure where you might fit or whether you want to become involved as a volunteer, part of a committee or a Director? Now is the time to speak with a Board Director to understand what is expected and required at each level of involvement. We would be happy to chat so you can decide what fits for you!

Executive positions include President, Vice-President External, Vice-President Operations and Secretary.* Director positions include Planning & Development, Social Room*, Communications*, Information Technology, Membership*, Events & Volunteers*, Community Health & Wellness, and Traffic & Mobility. (*indicate positions where the incumbent is intending to stay for another term)

Our mandate is to ensure that Renfrew is an inclusive and friendly community where individuals and families can flourish and feel welcome. We build community by providing and promoting programs, services, and activities aimed at connecting neighbours and fostering civic involvement in our community.

Our current Past President, Lynne Engelman, is chairing the Nominations Committee and is currently in the throes of searching for community-minded individuals who are interested in volunteering and filling a position on the Board. Please reach out to Lynne at [email protected] to discuss your interests and how you can be an integral part of the Renfrew Community Association!

Just remember that if you are interested in a Board position, we need to know ahead of the November AGM, as a slate of nominees will be presented by the Nominating Committee at the AGM as per the Bylaws. Nominations will no longer be taken from the floor at the AGM. Now would be the time to let us know if you’re interested in helping make a difference in your community.

Upcoming Important Dates:

November 22: AGM

November 26: Board Meeting

December 10: Board Orientation.

As always, make sure to keep an eye on the website, Facebook, and Twitter for the latest information on what’s going on at the Hall and in our community.