Banff Trail Notes for June 2023


We are excited to share that we will be restoring a small wetland in the southeast area of West Confederation Park. The wetland was removed over 50 years ago to accommodate new communities in the area.

Plans for the Wetland

The wetland will occupy approximately ½ hectare, about half the size of a football field. It will feature shallow marsh vegetation including wetland grasses, sedges, and rushes.

This type of seasonal wetland will play an important role in our urban environment. It will become a valuable habitat for a diverse range of plants and animals. It will also help purify the water before it recharges local groundwater tables.


Public engagement was completed in 2015 to determine the level of interest from Calgarians for this type of work. It showed there was enthusiasm for restoring the wetland and preserving nature in our urban environments. Then, a technical feasibility study concluded that the wetland could be restored. The project team has been pursuing provincial and funding approvals.

Next Steps

We now have final concept design, and it is being completed for submission for regulatory approvals. Construction is anticipated to begin in summer 2023 and will take a few months to complete. We will now be re-introducing the project with nearby communities and park visitors this spring.

For or more information, please see our webpage at [email protected].


Shannon Dore, BLA, AALA

Project Manager

Public Spaces Delivery, Parks, and Open Spaces

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