Beddington’s BASP Update for February


The month of February brings a few big days here at BASP. We celebrate Valentine’s Day by offering kindness and friendship themed creative crafts, games, activities, and initiatives in the three programs. Teachers’ convention starts off a long weekend for children mid-month and finishes on Family Day, a day Alberta takes as a holiday. BASP will have a variety of themed activities for each day to start the weekend off on the right foot and we wish you a fun-filled holiday Monday.

It is never too late to add yourself onto our waitlist if you are looking for childcare in the upcoming school year. We start the registering process in the springtime for the upcoming school year.

You can contact us at any time to get more information about our school year program and be added to our waitlist by calling 403-295-8837 or sending an email to [email protected].

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