Beddington’s Book Club Article for May

by Cindy Wiebe ([email protected])

We meet between 7:00 and 9:00 pm on the third Tuesday of each month in the Boardroom at the Beddington Theatre Arts Centre.

Our June 18 book will be Lone Wolf by Jodi Picoult.

“On an icy winter night, a terrible accident forces a family divided to come together and make a fateful decision. Cara, once protected by her father, Luke, is tormented by a secret that nobody knows. Her brother, Edward, has secrets of his own. He has kept them hidden, but now they may come to light, and if they do, Cara will be devastated. Their mother, Georgie, was never able to compete with her ex-husband’s obsessions, and now, his fate hangs in the balance and in the hands of her children. With conflicting motivations and emotions, what will this family decide? And will they be able to live with that decision, after the truth has been revealed? What happens when the hope that should sustain a family is the very thing tearing it apart?” – from

Our July 16 book will be The One Hundred Years of Lenni and Margot by Marianne Cronin. Yes, this was meant to be earlier, but we switched a couple of books to give people more time to get this from the library.

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