Beddington’s May Message from the Board

Beddington mb

I hope that everyone is finding some calm with all that is happening in our world. Although our lives have been turned upside down, I am becoming ever more grateful for the little things: neighbours that I can chat with online or from across the street, kids walking by and smiling at the window hearts we’ve created, and communities reaching out in new ways to help each other stay safe and cared for. Many of you are working from home, many are no longer working and those that continue to work are working in very new ways. We thank you for all you continue to do to keep us safe, keep us fed and keep Calgary and the country going.

The Board has settled into a very different routine as we worked through the temporary closure of our Before and After School Program (BASP) and impacts to other programs and events. I want to send a huge thank you to all board volunteers and BASP school staff for their willingness to learn and adapt as we settled into virtual meetings and ever-changing realities. We continue to work on ensuring the sustainability of our Before and After School Program and will be ready to open the doors for summer camps, if we get the go ahead. Our Reimagine Beddington team continues to plan projects to revitalize our parks and pathways and beautify our neighbourhood. We continue to plan for future community projects and are creating a brand-new website to help engage our community, inspire more volunteers, and bring new energy to everything we are working on. Although we will be postponing the Community Garage Sale to the Fall and our Neighbour Day BBQ will be rescheduled as well, we are looking forward (more than ever!) to when we can gather safely again as a community!

Stay safe and healthy!


President, BHCA

If you or anyone you know is in crisis or in need of support, please call 2-1-1.