Reimagine Beddington


Students + Citizens: Co-Creating – Beddington Heights

Over the next few months, BHCA and graduate students from the School of Architecture, Planning, and Landscape are offering participation and engagement opportunities to Beddington Heights residents. As we can’t meet in person, the students have created an opportunity for residents to voice concerns, interests, and everything in between about our community. They will be helping us with our fledgling community garden and gathering place project.

Your opinion matters to us! Please find the survey on our website – or link directly on

You are welcome to go through feedback, provide an idea, and pin your favourite spot on the map. Make sure to check our updates.

For more information about the project please visit

Community Garden

Join us, whether you are interested in planning and preparing a community garden for spring or reserving a spot this summer to garden. Contact Mavis at [email protected].