60 Years in Brentwood – May


by Lee Hunt

Happy 60th Anniversary to the Brentwood Community Association (BCA)! Brentwood has come a long way in those 60 years since the inception of the Brentwood Community Association in 1963.

I have been enjoying speaking recently with residents who have lived in Brentwood all or most of those 60 years – Joyce, Walt, Claire, Ernie, Susanne, Alice, Charlene, Maureen, Margaret, and Bruce.

All reflected on their earliest days in Brentwood – lots of wind, dust, even tumbleweeds – certainly no trees. Add to that, shortly after they finally got a lawn growing, Alice and her husband awoke one morning to find that “cattle from the open prairie across the street from us had walked all over our front yard during the night… leaving deep hoof prints all over. Consequently, we had to reseed it.”

Cows were not the only livestock in Brentwood. Maureen used to ride her bike down Northmount almost to Northland to visit the horses which grazed there (where the bank and shops are today), while Susanne remembers buying eggs from a farm where the tennis courts, mural, and Captain John Palliser School now sit. Maureen also recalls the day that “the old white farmhouse (where Susanne bought the eggs) caught fire and caused a huge commotion in the neighbourhood as firetrucks roared by to put it out.” The mural, which is now on the tennis courts, pays tribute to that farm couple and their dog. (As an aside, does anyone recall that couple’s name? If so, please contact Linda at the BCA at 404-284-3477. Thanks.)

Joyce told me of the City planting two saplings on each property (though she was not impressed that her father refused those saplings!), while both Walt and Susanne commented on the splendor of the large trees which those small saplings have become.

As it was primarily young families who moved into the “still being built” and “reasonably priced” Brentwood, there were “scads of kids”. Claire and Ernie estimate at least 20 little ones on their block, while Margaret and Bruce recall 30 on theirs. At Halloween, residents prepared for 200 to 300 costumed revellers!

As the community grew, so did the amenities. My “experts” recall the arrival of grocery stores, including one on the site of the former Acadia Motel and Trailer Park. Kresge’s had a Brentwood store, while Joyce and Alice recall the Brentwood movie theatre. There were also at least three service stations right in the community. Maureen remembers working for veterinarian Dr. John Quine whose clinic was in Brentwood, about where the four high rise condo towers are now. There was a car wash in that area as well.

The former Turtle Park, so called because there was a stone turtle for the children to play on, has become Blakiston Park with separate playgrounds for younger children and for older ones.

As you can tell, the long-time residents I interviewed had lots of memories to share. We are hoping to include another article of this kind in next month’s Bugle as we continue to celebrate the 60th Anniversary of the Brentwood Community Association. Make certain that you and your family attend some of the celebratory events such as the free Saturday, June 17 Neighbour Day outside the Sportsplex, the Banquet and Dance on Saturday, July 29 at the Sportsplex (purchase tickets at [email protected]), or the free September celebration in Blakiston Park (date to be announced).

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