Cambrian Heights’ July President’s Message


At the writing of this message, the provincial government has announced that community halls may reopen starting June 12. The March closure of community halls had resulted in the deferrals of many scheduled events including our Annual General Meeting and social events originally scheduled for April, May, and June. This had also impacted the Edelweiss Preparatory School which elected not to open on June 1 due to the short notice, new health safety guidelines involving student teaching and the eminent summer recess. Edelweiss will, however, be opening up for their regular fall sessions. As for our Community Hall, we will be undertaking an upgrade to our fire alarm system in July and before opening for rentals and events in September, we will put in place the required health safety guidelines as outlined by Alberta Health Services (“AHS”). Further updates will be published on our website,, or with email blasts to those registered through our website and on our Facebook page.

I am sure everyone recognizes the seriousness of the COVID-19 pandemic and respects the provincial guidelines with regard to social distancing and hygiene. We wish everyone in our community good health and encourage patience as we work together through a devastating period both emotionally and, for many of us, financially. We have made progress in controlling the spread of the disease in Alberta and at the publication of this newsletter, we are continuing to progress out of this health crisis.

Our Annual General Meeting was scheduled to be held June 25; however, due to the COVID-19 virus, the resultant uncertainty as to when the city community halls would reopen, and the limit on assemblies of people, the AGM has been postponed to October 22. Please check the October newsletter or our website for details of the meeting agenda. We have also elected to cancel our September Asado BBQ this year due to uncertainty of the new health safety regulations associated with foodservice and public gatherings of this size and design at this time. We hope to continue this event in 2021.

We always encourage new participation at the board level to maintain the programs, events, ideas, and fiscal strength of our community. In particular, we are especially looking for residents with a financial background to either assume or help in the Treasurer role. Please contact the President at [email protected] if you are interested in participating at any capacity in the community or at a board level.

Our weekly drop-in yoga program and our general fitness programs (Body-Lift, Kettlebell Kickboxing, New Cardio-Barre Fusion and New Barre Above) were forced to adjust in regards to their physical presence at the community hall with the city mandated closures over the past few months. Both Lorene Hughes – Fitness ([email protected]) and Kyrsten Blair – Yoga ([email protected]) have moved these programs online. The Yoga Program has been suspended for the summer, while two fitness programs will continue. If you would like details for either program or if you would like to participate from home or get updates as to when the programs will be allowed to safely return to the community hall, please contact them. You may also monitor our website for updates on these programs and timing.

We are planning to start a new program in September at the community hall – language lessons. We are starting with Spanish and this is an entry-level course. It will run for 12 weeks starting September 15. It will be provided through Azren the Language Nerd staff. Attendance will be limited to eight participants this first time to keep an intimate and active experience. We will only run this program if appropriate health safety guidelines are able to be met. Please watch for registration details in the August Newsletter or on our website. We hope this will be the first of many such language course curriculums.

After 25 years supporting thousands of vulnerable children, youth, and families through its West Central Family Resource Centre, Closer to Home Community Services has opened a new Family Resource Network in Beddington to service North Central Calgary.

Closer to Home’s North Central Family Resource Network (FRN) builds family resiliency by partnering with families to identify challenges, strengths, goals and desired outcomes, and helping families to access community resources, providing information about programs, and removing any barriers to access. Information on these programs may be obtained at their website ( or by emailing [email protected].

The next meeting of the Board is scheduled for September 14.  These meetings normally take place at the Georgina Thomson City building on 14th Street and Northmount Drive at 6:30 pm and residents are welcome to attend. Over the past three months, these meetings have been either cancelled or held utilizing internet technology. At this point, we are uncertain as to the method of meeting for this Board meeting.

Remember, Participation Builds Your Community’s Value.

Daryl Connolly

President, CHCA