Cambrian Heights’ President’s Message for December


December brings cold weather and snow but provides us with outdoor activities at the community facilities. Two ice rinks are maintained by our rink rats headed by Scott Jacobson. The highlight of the skating season will be the Polar Party scheduled for January 28. Thanks to KidSport, we will be providing free skates and helmets for children and adults as well as a fire pit and hot chocolate for warmth. Check the website ( and our Facebook page for details. If you want to volunteer to help our rink rats or assist at the Polar Party, please contact us at [email protected] for more information.

We held our second annual pumpkin giveaway on a cold Saturday, October 22. A Halloween banner was added this year, allowing many parents to photograph their children as they came to enjoy their free pumpkin. Shown in the picture were board organizers Jennifer Manns, her husband Derek, Barb Milne, and me. The pumpkins were all handed out within four hours, and we had some disappointed families at the end once we ran out. More pumpkins will be ordered next year.

We have been awarded casino fundraiser dates for April 17 and 18 in 2023. Casino proceeds allow the association to remain financially viable and provide services and facilities to the community. We need volunteers for those two nights to work a shift at the Pure Casino Calgary. No experience is required. Come and enjoy a hot meal, meet fellow residents, and support your community. Transportation can be provided to and from the casino location if required. Please contact the association or one of the board members for more information.

As always, we continue to invite residents to become involved in community issues and activities by volunteering some time as either a board member or volunteer for specific activities. We currently are in need of a volunteer to help with our casino planning as well as our social network communications. To discuss volunteer opportunities, or if you have questions or comments, please contact us at [email protected]. Consider, at minimum, registering your email address on our website to gain early access to upcoming programs, social events, and issues of importance to the community.

As we approach the holiday season, the food costs that we are all witnessing have become a larger burden to some local families. Recently, I visited the Pathway Church in our community and they offer free access for anyone in need to a private room filled with basic food items. In-need individuals may visit as many times as they wish and their visit is completely private and without obligation. They need only call 403-456-6860 or email [email protected] to ensure that someone is there to provide access to the food room. If you know of families or individuals in need please, let them know of this service.

From all of us on the board of the community association, we wish all residents a joyous and healthy holiday season as well as a happy new year in 2023.

Daryl Connolly, President CHCA