Cambrian Heights’ President’s Message for June

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At the start of June, summer focuses everyone on outdoor activities. Neighbour Day is celebrated in Calgary on June 17, with the City sponsoring events as well as encouraging Block parties and other social activities through free permits and access to first responders and City officials through Cambrian Heights Community also encourages block events with a $100 subsidy to organizers for non-alcoholic beverages or food. For information on this program, contact us at [email protected].

There are also two gardening projects in our community. One is the planting of flowers at the park space bordering Cambrian and Northmount Drives, and the second is the new demonstration garden sponsored by the Alberta Low Impact Development Partnership (“ALIDP”) at the rear of the community hall. While the first garden is a beautification project, this hall garden project identifies low maintenance natural plants designed for Alberta weather conditions as an alternative to high water demand grass lawns. Should you wish to volunteer a small amount of your time for either of these gardening projects, please contact us.

We held our second annual Bike Day on Saturday, May 27. This provided tune-up clinics, bike swaps, raffle prizes, and a bike wash that was so successful last year. There were activities for the young bikers as well as an ice cream stand. If you found this valuable or have suggestions for next year, let the organizers know with comments directed to [email protected].

We continue to pursue future enhancements to the off-leash park on 32 Avenue and 10 Street. Progress has been slowed by a limited volunteer base. Our committee remains dedicated to development of a central feature, as well as obstacle courses for dogs in this park space. This development will require volunteer labour and ultimately, tax deductible donations to complete. The City Parks department has been supportive of this development and will be adding more trees to the area this year as well as potentially adding additional benches and landscaping features for the park. We need community involvement to bring this project to active development. Please consult our website ( and attend our AGM for updates and discover how you may contribute to this process.

We have scheduled our Annual General Meeting for Tuesday, June 27 at 7:30 pm at our community hall. This is a chance to discover how the community association may help you appreciate the social opportunities in Cambrian Heights, as well as better understand the development issues we are seeing within our neighbourhood. In addition, we will be looking for new ideas to enhance all our parks so they might better serve resident needs.

There is an urgent need for Cambrian Heights residents to come forward if we are to continue providing events like the recent Celtic dance, outdoor summer concerts, fall BBQs, wine tastings, Halloween and Polar parties for the kids, pumpkin give-aways, and newer events such as Bike Day and language classes. The community is most importantly in need of a volunteer to replace our Treasurer and our Social Media Director, both of whom are retiring this year. These are critical positions for the community association, controlling our finance and communication activities. This is an opportunity to join an experienced team and help develop the programs, events, and development planning for Cambrian Heights. To discuss these volunteer opportunities, please contact us at [email protected].

Daryl Connolly, President CHCA

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