Cambrian Heights’ September President’s Message


At the writing of this message, the City of Calgary has implemented the requirement for face masks in all public indoor spaces. The Community Hall has a license of occupation with the City and is thus considered a public indoor space. However, private rental functions are excluded from the mask requirements. This and other announcements from the Provincial government has prompted us to consider re-opening the Community Hall in September to evening rentals. Such rentals will, however, have increased requirements as outlined by Alberta Health Services (“AHS”) to safeguard against the spread of COVID-19.

Over the summer, an upgrade of the Community Hall’s Fire Alarm System was completed. We thank the City of Calgary through the Capital Conservation Grant Program and the Province through their Community Facility Enhancement Program for their financial assistance with this project.

Currently, the Edelweiss Preparatory School is reviewing their plans to either open fully in September or continue online classes until January 2021. To move slowly on our re-opening plan, we will continue to offer our Fitness and Yoga Programs online until at least November. We will make a decision on returning these programs to the Community Hall as we progress into the fall. Our special indoor events, such as the Halloween Party, our Annual General Meeting, the planned fall Wine Event and the Lego Contest will be individually analyzed for health/social issues before confirmation. In that process, we elected to cancel our September Asado BBQ this year due to AHS regulations in regards to food service and public gatherings of this size and design at this time. We hope to renew this event in 2021. Further updates will be published on our website ( or with email blasts to those registered through our website, and on our Facebook page.

I am sure everyone recognizes the seriousness of the COVID-19 pandemic and respects the Provincial guidelines with regard to social distancing and hygiene. We wish everyone in our community good health and encourage patience as we together work through a devastating period both emotionally and, for many of us, financially. We have made progress in controlling the spread of the disease in Alberta and at the publication of this newsletter, we are continuing to progress out of this health crisis.

Some of you may have noticed a press release and news report detailing the closing of a “drug house” on Cardiff Drive on August 4. This was the result of sustained effort by residents in proximity to this house through their vigilance and supported by the Safer Communities and Neighbourhoods (“SCAN”) program expedited through the efforts of the Calgary Police Service (“CPS”) and the Alberta Sheriffs Branch. This was also the location of a shooting in June. The Community Association formed a committee to assist in communications with governmental officials and the residents made up of local home owners. This experience is available to any residents who identifies continuous unusual and suspicious activity on their streets. Contact us at [email protected] for further information and guidance.

As indicated our weekly drop-in yoga program and our general fitness programs (Body-Lift, Kettlebell Kickboxing, New Cardio-Barre Fusion and New Barre Above) were forced to adjust in regards to their physical presence at the Community Hall with the City closures in March. Both Lorene Hughes – fitness ([email protected]) and Kyrsten Blair – yoga ([email protected]) moved these programs online. The Yoga Program was suspended for the summer while two fitness programs continued. Both will be in operation online starting in September. If you wish details of either program, would like to participate at home, or get updates as to when the programs will be allowed to safely return to the Community Hall, please contact them. You may also monitor our website for updates on these programs and timing.

We are planning to start a new program in September at the Community Hall – language lessons. We are starting with Spanish and this is an entry-level course. It will run for 12 weeks starting September 15. It will be provided through Azren the Language Nerd staff. Attendance will be limited to eight participants this first time to provide an intimate and active experience. We will only run this program if participants pre-register and appropriate health safety guidelines are able to be met. Please check for registration details in the September Newsletter or on our website. We hope this will be the first of many such language course curriculums.

The Community is sponsoring a 3-week free webinar series detailing the ins and outs of waste, recycling and compost in Calgary starting September 22. Please reference the poster in the Newsletter or website for information and registration details.

On June 22 The Pathway Church, supported by the Community Association, undertook a food drive for the Calgary Food Bank. We thank the volunteers, who passed out plastic donation bags the week before and collected door to door on the day, for their effort. Unfortunately, participation was low perhaps reflecting communication.

The next meeting of the Board is scheduled for September 14.  While these meetings normally take place at the Georgina Thomson City building on 14th Street and Northmount Drive, recent City guidelines have restricted that buildings use and for the near term any Board meetings will be held at the Community Hall. These meetings occur at 6:30 PM and residents are normally welcome to attend. Over the past three months, these meetings have been either cancelled or held utilizing online technology. At this point, we are not encouraging community residents to attend due to health safety concerns and at this point uncertainty as to whether “live” meetings will be held. If you do wish to attend, please contact [email protected] in advance of the meeting.

Remember, Participation Builds Your Community’s Value.

Daryl Connolly

President, CHCA