A Message from Triwood’s Executive Director

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Hang in there, Triwood!

At the time of this writing, the Triwood Community Association remains closed. We are currently available to receive calls and e-mails for both COVID-19 related help requests and your offers to volunteer. There has been a tremendous response already from our community, with several of our local citizens stepping up to help wherever they are needed!

At this early stage of the crisis, government and organizations mobilizing to help those in need have been doing so cautiously. The number one piece of advice being put forward for all of us at this time, continues to be to stay at home whenever possible! If you are able to do more, and Triwood can connect you with a way to do this safely, we certainly will. In the meantime, you can visit triwoodcommunity.com for links to official resources on how you can get help, give help, and otherwise do your part at this time.

We are optimistic that one day soon, we can find ways to begin connecting again as a community. Until that time, we will be patient, we will be planning, and we will be ensuring that when life returns to normal, your community association will be ready for you! I think that all of us will begin to increasingly recognize how much we would miss the ability to meet each other in our parks and at each other’s houses, gather together at community events and city festivals, at our sports, and in our groups. We will do our very best to be right there for you, to help you connect to your community again once this storm begins to pass!