The Executive Director’s Report for Triwood – December

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Well, Triwood, it has been some kind of year for most of us! As the numbers of COVID infections continue to grow during the early part of our winter season, it is looking more and more like our holidays will be impacted quite significantly by the ongoing pandemic.

Our community has worked hard to make lemonade out of the lemons 2020 gave us,and we hugely appreciate the fantastic support and turn out we saw in moments where we were able to come together. This year was our most successful farmer’s market in recent memory, JT’s Clubhouse was buzzing throughout most of the summer, our burger night was a huge success, we were able to hold an awesome, socially-distanced youth summer camp, a busy artisan market, and the participation in our Halloween candy drop off was astounding (I’ve never seen such mountains of candy!).

So, again, thank you to everyone (from our staff and volunteers to our visitors and members) for soldiering on and finding ways to safely maintain our heartbeat in the community. The next couple of weeks will be an important period for both Triwood and Calgary as we wait to see how our health authorities and governments will react to a second wave of the virus. We had certainly hoped to continue helping all of us keep connected with an Outdoor Winter Festival, Christmas take-out dinners, and our Winter Market, but I’ll have to ask everyone to keep an eye on our website and social media for the latest updates on these activities as we react as responsibly as we can to the changing stipulations around public gatherings and activities on a week by week basis.

We are optimistic and excited for the year ahead. Even though some of the challenges we have faced in 2020 will likely seep into our new year, the Association is well positioned and well practiced for finding creative ways of keeping our community active and engaged! Have a wonderful holiday, Triwood! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all of our residents and members.