Triwood’s September Report from the Executive Director


I would like to thank everyone who supported the Triwood Farmers’ Market and all the vendors that put in the time and effort to be here. We hope to see you next year!

The Triwood Summer Camps went very well this year. I would like to thank the volunteers and leaders Manuella, Christine, and Brooklyn. We had seven weeks of camps and 122 children attend. I’m looking forward to seeing you all next year!

Triwood can host your wedding, Christmas party, company meeting, birthday party, celebration of life or family get together. We have full catering packages available and 4 different spaces that can accommodate from 10 people to 180 people. Please call our office if you would like more information.

The Triwood Annual General Meeting will be October 16th at 7pm in JT’s Lounge. Please mark that in your calendar as we will give you a snap chat of the past year and give you some information regarding our fitness centre as well as the expansion to our building.

Rick Lundy