Get Outdoors: Disc Golf


Looking for a fun, non-strenuous way to enjoy the outdoors this fall? You might want to give disc golf a try! Disc golf (or Frisbee golf) is a sport developed in the 1970s but came to Calgary about 10 years ago. Participants use flying discs instead of clubs and a ball, to play a course. Like golf, players start at a tee-off area and can choose differently weighted and sized discs to make drives and putts, with the goal to get the disc in a basket in as few throws as possible. Disc golf is a game for players of all ages and abilities, and most courses in Calgary are free! Unlike traditional golf, disc golf can be played throughout the year. There are two Disc golf courses near Dalhousie: the Edgemont course has 11 holes and is located at Edgemont Drive and Edgemont Blvd, and the Baker Park course has 18 holes and is at 9333 Scenic Bow Road NW. There are almost 20 public courses in and around the Calgary area to explore and enjoy.