Edgemont’s December Message from the President

Presidents Message Edgemont

In this month’s message I’d like to focus on converting strategy and plans into action and accomplishment for the ECA. You will recall from previous messages that we, the board, have worked hard at building a sound foundation for the Edgemont Community Association. We have an inspirational course set through Vision 2022 and its supporting objectives. Also directing us are the outputs of the ECA Survey conducted earlier this year. To complete this picture, we are strengthening our operations and benefitting from a strong volunteer base.

With all this in hand, there are many ways to create action. One avenue I’d like to explore is the committee structure of your board. In our bylaws, which we refreshed over the past several years, provision is made for the role of committees. In fact, the board met for its Fall Workshop in November and one of the themes was to strengthen and align its committee structure. We are adding several new committees to further support our direction. All committees now have a sound terms of reference to confirm their mandates and deliverables.

Committees perform four main functions:

  1. Preparatory work leading up to board decisions such as policy options and recommendations for the consideration of the board.
  2. Carrying out tasks on behalf of the board in areas such as green space enhancement or community relations.
  3. Working with staff to implement certain operations and activities.
  4. Serving as a training ground for future board members.

The committees that are currently active in the ECA board structure are: executive, financial, nominating, environment/greenspace, and communications. We are adding new committees in the areas of new capital management, membership, and programs review/policy. Each committee has terms of reference and alignment with our nine supporting objectives from Vision 2022 and the outcomes from the ECA survey.

This is where you come in. Committee membership is generally comprised of board members, staff and most importantly members at large from our community. We need your engagement to turn our strategy and plans into action. If you have an interest or skills to offer please consider joining one of our committees, or if you want to take a bigger step, we are in immediate need of new board members.

To summarize, action against our deliverables happens in many ways. Among these are board leadership, operations, committee activity, and volunteer engagement. We now have all the pieces in place. Let’s make it happen and show the Edgemont spirit! I have a favorite adage that applies to many endeavours. “Vision without action is dreaming. Action without vision merely moves us incrementally. Action with vision can transform the world, in this case our community.”

In closing, on behalf of the ECA Board, I want to take the opportunity to wish you well over the upcoming holiday season. Please take time to enjoy your family and our lovely community.