Evanston’s President’s Message for November

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Update from the Alberta Government regarding the fence installed at Evansford Circle/Evansford Road in late-September:

“While we appreciate the frustration of recreational users of these areas, the fence has been put up for safety reasons.

Transportation Utility Corridors (TUCs) may appear suitable for recreation, but they are not public green space. Active TUC land must be protected from surface disturbances of any kind because they may include networks of vital underground energy pipelines and utility infrastructure.

The fence is permanent and was installed in addition to ‘No Trespassing’ signs to prevent unauthorized use of the TUC. For maintenance and repair purposes, workers must be able to access TUCs safely, which means without obstructions. Unauthorized use of a TUC impacts the safety of workers.”

Information of the Month

Our Community Park is a year-round facility that the ECCA has a licence of occupation for fifteen years. We are responsible for all maintenance and funding including grass, trees, fire pit, benches, and garbage. Please be mindful of this when using the park. If you see something such as overflowing bins, contact us and not the City as it is not their responsibility.

November Christmas Light Decoration Contest

The ECCA’s outdoor Christmas Light Decoration Contest is on now. Entry is free for all Evanston residents; however, prizes can only be won by ECCA Members ($20). Participants must submit three photos to [email protected] of your light decorations on by November 30. The contest runs from November 1 to 30 and the winners will be announced at the Christmas Mingle and Silent Auction on December 6. We look forward to seeing and showcasing all of your fantastic lighting decorations!

December Holiday Mingle and Silent Auction

Tickets are $65 per adult and one child per ticket eats free (children’s menu). You have a choice of a traditional roast beef dinner, chicken and mushroom, Donair and fries, or a vegetarian dish. There are 70 tickets, and we sold out last year so purchase yours by e-Transfer to [email protected] and indicate what meal you want per ticket. We are excited as we already have lots of auction items and are still collecting more. If you own a business and would like to donate, please email [email protected]. You will also be featured as a business spotlight on a Friday on our social media channels. This is a great event to come out and mingle while supporting your community. Events and upgrades to the Community Park cannot happen without donations and memberships. With our membership drives over the past few months, we were able to install lights for night skating. We are excited for this event and all planned events we have. We thank you for your support.

January Skate Shack

Skate Shack is back with KidSport Canada. Our date is Saturday, January 18 at our Community Park. Skates will be free to rent for the entire family. There will be hot drinks, entertainment, and the fire pit to keep us all warm. We will need volunteers to successfully run the event so please email [email protected]. This date is also Hockey Day in Canada, and we will mark the start of the ECCA’s birthday celebration week. Mark your calendars now!

Volunteer With the ECCA

Are you looking to volunteer? Please email [email protected] if you are interested about how you can get involved and or join the Board of Directors!

Join Your Association!

To help support the ECCA, please visit the Evanston Creekside Community Association webpage at https://www.eccacalgary.com/register/ to purchase a $20 membership. All money goes towards the maintenance of our Community Park, the community garden, and funding for events.

Click here to the Evanston Community News home page for the latest Evanston community updates.