Hidden Valley’s President’s Message for September

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Dear Hidden Valley Residents,

I am truly thrilled and honoured to address you as the new president of our community association. Stepping into this role, I am filled with anticipation and excitement for what lies ahead. Our community association plays an indispensable role in advocating for Hidden Valley on all levels of government, ensuring our collective voice is heard, and making sure our community remains safe and our property values stay robust.

It was incredibly inspiring to see so many residents come forward during our recent Annual General Meeting (AGM). Your willingness to step up and take on various roles within our association is a testament to the strength and vitality of our community. I am very grateful for such an energized group of individuals. Together, we will ensure that Hidden Valley continues to be the exceptional community it has been for many years.

I would also like to extend my heartfelt thanks to the previous board members for their dedication and hard work. Their tireless efforts have laid a solid foundation for our association, and their commitment has been instrumental in making Hidden Valley the desirable community we cherish. Their legacy will guide us as we build upon the great work they have done.

As we look ahead, I am excited to share some of the many new events and projects that are on the horizon. Our community spirit has been wonderfully exemplified by the recent and upcoming events designed to bring us all together and enhance our neighbourhood experience.

For our past events, we loved our Neighbour Day Potluck, it was a fantastic opportunity for all of us to connect, share delicious food, and build stronger bonds with one another. Our, now annual, Sounds and Spirits event was a delightful evening filled with great music and engaging conversations.

In addition to these social gatherings, we have made significant improvements to our community facilities. The rebuilding of the skating rink boards will greatly enhance our recreational options. These upgrades will not only provide fun and entertainment for our residents but also contribute to maintaining and increasing property values within our neighbourhood, and we used an art grant to help beautify The Hut.

Our recent AGM was a resounding success, and it was invigorating to see so many of you actively participate and engage in shaping the future of Hidden Valley. Your enthusiasm and commitment are what drive the vitality of our community.

Please keep a lookout for many more exciting events and initiatives that are in the works. We are dedicated to bringing fresh and engaging activities to Hidden Valley, and your involvement and support are crucial to making these events successful. From new community gatherings to continued improvements in our shared spaces, there is much to look forward to in the coming months.

Our community association is here to stay, and we are deeply committed to fostering a strong, healthy community spirit in Hidden Valley. Together, we will continue to build on our successes and ensure that our neighbourhood remains a wonderful place to live, work, and play.

Thank you for your support, your energy, and your enthusiasm. I am confident that with your continued involvement, Hidden Valley will thrive and flourish. Here’s to a vibrant and successful year ahead!

Robyn Moser

President of the HVCA

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