Happy 70th Anniversary HPCA!

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This year is Highland Park Community Association’s 70th Anniversary! We were incorporated as a society on June 21, 1954. In lieu of gifts, why don’t you buy or renew your membership? Go to our website at https://www.highlandparkcommunity.ca/membership and follow the steps. Benefits of membership include being able to access community programs and renting our hall at a discounted rate.

Friday Night Fires

Our committed volunteer Dee is still hosting a campfire at the Highland Park grounds every Friday evening starting 6:00 pm, unless the weather is terrible (too windy, rainy, or too cold, etc.) or unless there’s a fire ban (like during the recent massive water feeder main break). As you know, even in summer, it can still get cool in the evenings, so we recommend you bring your own blanket to wrap up in. Feel free to bring roasting sticks, and something yummy to roast over the fire (like hot dogs or marshmallows). Donations of firewood are gratefully accepted; please drop it off next to the HPCA shed.

Good Food Box and Highland Park Chats

Amrit, our Community Connector, is hosting Highland Park Chats in our hall lobby during Good Food Box order dates, from 6:00 to 7:00 pm. Come have a coffee and chat with Amrit about community resources and your event ideas. There is no Good Food Box order date in July. The next one is on Monday, August 5 (Heritage Day holiday). If you are ordering for the first time, make sure you register with our lead volunteer, Ellen, by sending an email to [email protected] with your name, email, phone, and the number of adults, children, and seniors your box order will feed. You can pay with cash in person with Ellen at our hall on the order date, between 6:00 and 7:00 pm, or by e-transfer by 5:00 pm on the order date, to our Volunteer Coordinator, Anne, at [email protected].

Seniors’ Luncheon

This program will be on hiatus for July and August. Important: we are looking for someone or a team of people to take over the coordination of this program for September, as our long-time volunteer, Roz, is stepping back from this role. The role involves contacting the seniors on our list to confirm whether they will attend the next luncheon and providing the final numbers to the kitchen staff at Fresh Start, who make the meals for us. The role also involves confirming which of our existing crew of volunteers are available to set up, serve, and clean up on the day of the luncheon. Please contact our Volunteer Coordinator, Anne, at [email protected] to get more information about this role, or to step forward to help fill these shoes.

Stampede BBQ and Music in The Park

Wednesday, July 10, from 5:00 to 8:30 pm. We’ll serve a low-cost meal and provide free live entertainment. There will also be a mini-donut food truck for a Stampede-style dessert and also a Petting Zoo, which was a big hit last time we booked them. Volunteers are needed to help make this day a success. Please sign up here: https://signup.com/go/xTzKjOm.

Community Cleanup

We have secured a date for our annual HPCA Community Cleanup for Saturday, September 14; it will run from 9:00 am to 2:00 pm sharp! Mark your calendars! Multiple volunteers in various roles are needed for this event; if you are interested in volunteering, or learning more about the various jobs available, please contact Anne at [email protected].

Click here to the Highland Park Community News home page for the latest Highland Park community updates.


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